Volunteers are a vital part of Pacific Textile Arts. Our gallery shows, programs and classes wouldn’t be possible without continued support of dedicated community members like you who give their time and expertise! Volunteering can be a one-time gig at an event to regular weekly or monthly commitments. Opportunities include:
Outreach – Website, social media, Constant Contact e-mails, PR flyers
Docenting – Help us keep the place open!
Gallery – Hosting First Friday openings and helping with exhibitions and sales.
Programs – Setting up the venue and assisting the presenters; supporting the Zoom team.
Classes – Email our classes team about the benefits of becoming a class host.
Hosting – Housing a visiting artist, teacher, or guest speaker.
Events – Fiber Fair, our annual big event, and smaller events like field trips
Campus – Gardening, cleaning, helping make our campus inviting
Each area has a committee with a list of individual tasks that keep everything running smoothly.
If you’d like to be notified when volunteer opportunities arise, please fill out the form below.
You can also reach out to us at outreach@pacifictextilearts.org or call 707-409-6811, or just drop by during our open hours.
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